• Eve is a Christmas movie fanatic and dreams of having a movie-perfect Christmas with a movie-perfect boyfriend. On Christmas Eve, when Eve and her cynical sister Lacy make wishes to Santa, they wake up in Christmas Town and find themselves trapped inside a Christmas movie where they are the stars. But when things start to go wrong, and Eve's knowledge of all things Christmas movie fails to fix things, Eve and Lacy try to find a way out of the picture-perfect Christmas and back to reality.
  • 梅根(瑞秋·斯盖顿 Rachel Skarsten 饰)拥有着令人羡慕的幸福生活,她和丈夫托马斯(布兰特·道格尔迪 Brant Daugherty 饰)之间的感情非常的恩爱,两人共同抚养着可爱乖巧的孩子,享尽了天伦之乐。梅根再也没有想到的是,有一天,她拥有的这一切都变成了泡影。某日,当梅根醒来之时,发现自己仿佛穿越到了平行世界的另一段人生里。在这段人生中,她还没有结婚,甚至都不认识托马斯,孩子自然也无从谈起。当梅根想尽了一切方法都无法回到她原本的生活中去后,她选择了向现实妥协,并且找到了一份工作。然而,仿佛是上帝开了一个玩笑,梅根的新上司不是别人,正是托马斯。